Managed Servers

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • Being forced to keep a constant eye on what’s going on on your dedicated web hosting plan is quite a time–consuming duty. But we are here to lift that weight off your back so that you will have more time for what is really important – making your website much better and looking after your business. With our Managed Servers option, you can sit back and relax, since our sysadmins will be keeping constant track of what is going on with your dedicated web hosting plan. And we have developed a unique monitoring platform, which will warn us of any issues taking place.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Backup Space

  • If you are working with business–critical data, it’s vital to keep a backup of everything, and even more so if it’s your own business data. This is why we offer a 50 GB off–server backup space with our Managed Servers solution. You’ll be able to back up all the crucial data on a special backup server with RAID hard disk drives that is part of the very same network. This will make the backup process faster than light. And our professional sysadmins will help you configure an automated system that will back up everything without you being required to raise a finger.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • It can be quite disheartening if you’d like to install a web application or a service on your dedicated web hosting plan, but you just keep chancing upon obstacles. This is when our Managed Servers solution can save your day – it offers installation and troubleshooting tasks. It means that one of our highly knowledgeable senior server admins will be working half an hour exclusively on the problems that you have mentioned. You can request him to run an application or a service, or to resolve an issue that you keep observing. Or to upgrade your server Operating System.

Available with all Dedicated Web Hosting Plans