In spite of the fact that the web hosting service provided by the different companies is relatively the same, every provider has got a customized platform with its own tweaks and ways to execute given tasks. Because of this, an information-stuffed knowledge base would be amazingly helpful both for people with little to no prior experience and for technically experienced users who will at some point learn how given tasks are done, but will waste time in the process. The aim of such a knowledge base is to make the service quick and easy to use, saving users plenty of time and efforts. The result is happier clients, as they can quickly find the info they require, and less work for the support staff representatives, because usually the vast majority of the enquiries and difficulties that customers have got are already outlined in the knowledge base. In case the articles are properly written and encompass more things, you will be able to find out more not only about your own account, but also about the hosting service as a whole.

Extensive Online Documentation in Shared Website Hosting

All shared website hosting plans that we are offering come with an exhaustive knowledge base where you can find everything you may ever need to know in regards to your hosting account. Regardless of whether you intend to set up a brand-new database, to redirect a domain name by means of an .htaccess config file or to set up an email address on your computer or mobile device, you can just check our step-by-step help articles and all the information that you require will be there. When you go to a certain section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you’ll see articles that are related to the features that can be accessed through it. In case you prefer to check the complete article collection and get familiar with all the functions that Hepsia is offering, or only to read general info about the hosting service, you can browse through the whole knowledge base, which can be accessed through the Help menu in your Control Panel. We’ve tried our utmost to encompass any predicament that you could possibly come across, but if you don’t find the information that you’re seeking, you can always get in touch with us, as our client support staff is available to you night and day.