You can use multiple FTP accounts to manage your website content in case you have several Internet sites within the same website hosting account. You can provide different people with access only to particular folders, for instance – web designers or IT persons from the company, and be certain that they will not be able to connect to any other directories or anything else in the hosting account, as the FTP accounts have restricted access. Besides, you can create and manage a number of different sites at once with a web design app such as FrontPage or Dreamweaver (since these applications use FTP to make a connection to the server) and upload your site files both when you create them and when you update them. An important part of doing these tasks is the ability to create and manage your FTP accounts swiftly and easily.

FTP Manager in Shared Website Hosting

When you you open a shared website hosting account with us, you’ll gain access to the rather powerful FTP Manager tool, which is included in our in-house built Hepsia web hosting Control Panel. The tool comes with a number of different options, besides the possibility to create or delete FTP accounts. You’ll be able to see the access path for each account and by clicking it, you can alter it so that the account in question will access a different folder. Auto-config files can be downloaded too, so you won’t need to configure anything manually – you can simply download the respective file for CyberDuck, FileZilla or Core FTP and run it on your computer. To make the administration itself easier, the FTP Manager will allow you to view all the accounts that you have created in alphabetical order, based on either the access path or the username.