The service uptime for every shared website hosting account is of essential importance. If you’re using a server which has regular issues and your website is not online for extended periods of time, it is more likely that visitors won't come back. Assuming you have an online store, for example, it will mean lost potential customers and much less income. Your internet sites could even get penalized by search engines like yahoo with lower rankings irrespective of how good their content is. To prevent this sort of scenario, always ensure that the hosting service you get is stable. This way, the success of your website will depend solely on its content and your advertising and marketing campaigns and won't be affected by hosting-related issues that you have got no control of.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Shared Website Hosting

If you buy a shared website hosting plan through our company, we guarantee that your sites are going to be working at least 99.9% of the time. We've virtually got rid of the hosting server downtime by using a state-of-the-art cloud hosting platform in which individual groups of servers deal with every aspect of the overall service - files, databases, e-mail messages, etc. In this way, when there is an issue with a server, the other machines in the cluster will simply take over and your websites will not be affected the slightest bit. To prevent any infrastructure troubles, we furthermore have diesel-powered backup generators and several independent Internet providers. Competent professionals check the servers 24/7 to correct any software problems that may appear while software and hardware firewalls will prevent DDoS attacks against the servers.