A web accelerator is a piece of software that accelerates an Internet site usually by caching content and supplying it instead of the server. Such apps can be used for both dynamic and static sites because there are a variety of accelerators which can cache both static content and database calls and responses. The benefit of using a web accelerator is that a given site will perform noticeably faster without employing additional system resources. On the contrary, such a website will require much less resources to work because the web accelerator will handle most requests rather than the hosting server. Contrary to many companies which do not offer web accelerators with their packages or offer only 1, we offer 3 different ones that'll enable you to speed up your websites whatever their style or content.

Web Accelerators in Shared Website Hosting

If you purchase one of our shared website hosting solutions, you'll have 3 popular web accelerators at your disposal and you'll be able to access them directly using the Hepsia Control Panel that comes with our packages. Varnish is one of the most widely used ones and it could greatly increase the speed of any Internet site as it caches the web pages a site visitor opens for the first time and provides them each time that website visitor opens them again. Given that Varnish functions way quicker than any hosting server, the loading speed of any Internet site using the accelerator shall grow substantially. Memcached is used to cache database and API calls and responses between a visitor and a hosting server, so it's similar to Varnish, but is used predominantly for database-driven websites. Since the website will connect to its database significantly less, the overall hosting server load shall be reduced considerably. The third accelerator, Node.js, is employed for scalable online apps like chats and booking websites because it processes information in real time the instant it is entered on the site by the users. Depending on the plan you choose, these accelerators could be available or could be an optional upgrade.